Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Offf 2009. Day 2. Joshua Davis

Even though I have already seen Joshua Davis at the previous editions of this festival, and I knew what to expect, this presentation was the absolutely highlight of this festival. It was inspiring as usuall while I have seen the most of the works. It didn't matter. Unfortunately I couldn't take any picture of him, because he was moving too fast on stage (let's blame red bulls for this).
He began from a short speach about space, and running out of space. This was a theme for a next design conference, Typo Berlin 2009, where he has been invited as a guest speaker, while he didn't really understood why he was invited. True, he doens't have anything to do with type.
In the presentation of this year he spoke a lot about his own failure as designer, programmer or as a father. "I fail all the time" said Davis. As an example he told the story about his daughter, who asked him once to tell a story "about 100 flamingos in Africa…who go to visit 100 Crocodiles in Australia…but when they get there…there's only 50". Well, I think, every parent would have difficulties to finish it off:)
While speaking about his generative compositions he told the audience that he never knows what is he doing, he doesn't plan where he want to go - he just want to arrive somewhere. Along with the old projects he showed some new ones as well, as a Reflect iPhone application and spoke about the project done with Multitouch Barcelona - an interactive piece of artwork created for this festival. By showing examples from Random assistant (OFFF 08) he mentioned that the level of interaction/participation can be different, depends how old people are. Children and people above 70 where the best participants. As inspiration Joshua Davis collects old maps, taking pictures of ornaments in Spain or Portugal etc. In the very end he spoke about the importance of sharing things (open source).

"Give things away!"
standing ovation!

extra links: speaking at offf, interview

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