Friday, July 02, 2010

OFFF 2010. Steven Heller

The very first speaker was Steven Heller, the author and co-author of many books, about the history of graphic design. This wise man gave a very interesting (and optimistic) lecture about the past & the future of design, spoke about nostalgia and wished everybody to 'keep it fresh' (as on the image above).

here is an intereting interview given by Steven Heller to étapes.

'Steven Heller wears many hats (in addition to the New York Yankees): for 33 years he was an art director at the New York Times, originally on the OpEd Page and for almost 30 of those years with the New York Times Book Review. Currently, he is co-chair of the MFA Designer as Author Department, Special Consultant to the President of SVA for New Programs, and writes the Visuals column for the New York Times Book Review. With Seymour Chwast he has directed Push Pin Editions, a packager of visual books, and with his wife Louise Fili he has produced over twenty books and design products for Chronicle Books and other publishers. For over two decades he has been contributing editor to Print, Eye, Baseline, and I.D. magazines, has had contributed hundreds of articles, critical essays, and columns (including his interview column "Dialogue" in Print) to a score of other design and culture journals. As editor of the Aiga Journal of Graphic Design he published scores of critical and journalistic writers on design, and currently as editor of AIGA Voice: Online Journal of Design, he continues to help build a critical vocabulary for the field.'

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