Sunday, May 09, 2010

"Hello from..." Postcard Swap. Ladies of letterpress

'Ladies of Letterpess' comunity came up with a nice idea for postcard swap. So I thought I should spread the word too:)

Here is more detailed information:

'What did you do on your summer vacation? The Ladies of Letterpress invite you to join us in a summertime postcard swap with the theme "Hello from...", representing the city and/or state where you live. The size of the edition will depend on how many participants join in, and we're hoping to have all fifty states represented (other countries outside of the US are invited too, of course!). Here are the requirements:

- Must be a member of Ladies of Letterpress (signing up is free and easy at

- Specs: cards should measure 4" x 6", and use cardstock similar to postcards (at least 100#)

- Process: any printing process, but must include at least one letterpress run, signed with your name on the back

- Edition size: tbd

- Cut off date for joining the swap:
Memorial Day (May 31, 2010)

- Due date for finished postcards: Labor Day (Sept. 6, 2010)

- Cost: $5.00 to cover shipping

- Please confirm your participation (and send any questions) to Camille Robin at camillerobin[at] with your name, city, and state (and country, if outside of US).'


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